a wedding shower (life is good)

Last night my aunts and cousins on my dad’s side threw me a bridal shower.  We had a lovely time sipping on wine and eating cheese – I think there were 7 different varieties, amazing! – and chatting.  I’ve said it before but it’s always so nice to get together with the other women in the family.

We also played a fun game where my aunt Linda held up different items: measuring cups, a pizza cutter, an apple corer, et cetera and we had to guess the price.  The Price is Right, wedding shower style.  I personally love pricing games and think I’d definitely win a car on The Price is Right.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t that great at the shower game and I didn’t win.  Fortunately, I got to keep all of the items which was even better than winning the game!

After the game I got to open gifts.  Does anyone else feel really awkward when other people watch them open gifts?  I have always felt that way but wedding showers have made me feel less uncomfortable with it but being the center of attention is never my favorite thing.  I’ve jokingly considered just standing at the front of the church at our wedding so I don’t have to walk down the aisle.

Anyways, I got some really great gifts.  I’m excited about all of them that it seems unfair to highlight only one but I feel like I have to because it was the very first thing that I knew I had to put on our registry.  In fact, Todd and I walked into Target and we starting to discuss what we should register for and I immediately said, “A Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer“.  And now, I am the proud owner of my very own!

I can’t wait to start baking with the mixer after we get married.  Chocolate chip cookies, fresh pasta dough, brownies, cakes, imagine all of the possibilities!  Thank you aunts, I promise to always bring something sweet and delicious to our annual Christmas Eve party.

We are definitely a dessert family, we all love sweets, a lot.  The dessert at the shower did not disappoint.  My aunt Sheryl make cream puffs and they were delicious.  The puff was soft but not too soft, the custard was perfectly sweet and creamy and the frosting on top was to die for.  I need to get a copy of her recipe and try them myself, they were amazing.

We had such a nice night all together and. once again, I feel so lucky to have such a great family.  It’s nice to feel so loved and supported, especially in the few weeks left before getting married.  Happy events preceding happy events, life is good.

Do happy events seem to surround happy events in your life?

How does family factor into your celebrations?

2 thoughts on “a wedding shower (life is good)

  1. Pingback: kitchenaid debut + brownies from scratch | pomelo sunshine

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