happy birthday to em and happy saturday to you!

First of all, happy happy happy birthday to my big sister, Emily!  She’s off in LA celebrating her big day and I wish I could be there.  It sounds like she is having so much fun, I think she’s at the beach right now.  Keep celebrating your day sister, I love you!

This morning I didn’t wake up until 8:34.  It was glorious.  I slept for almost exactly 8 hours and it felt great to not have anything to get ready for.  I had a quick bowl of cereal (in bed) and then putzed around until I had to leave for yoga.

Yoga class was hot and sweaty today.  Well, that’s kind of a given.  Today’s class was exceptionally hot and sweaty and it felt so good!  I left feeling stretched out, firm and loose.  I also left feeling pretty disgusting, sweat-wise and not smelling very good.  That didn’t stop me from stopping by the grocery store on the way home.  The big supermarket I like to shop at is a solid 15 minute drive from the house and I didn’t see the point in going home and showering and then making a special trip back when I have to pass it on the way back anyways.

When I got to Meijer it was a madhouse.  I didn’t realize that everyone would be doing their Easter shopping today.  I had to park my cart and wait for people multiple times and was almost run into a bunch of times too.  No big deal though.  I was grocery shopping and I loved it just the same.  Plus, I left the grocery store with a cart full of goodness.

Yes, there are three pints of ice cream in the corner.  After 40 days without ice cream, it was hard for a girl to decide what to start with.  I can’t wait to dig into those tomorrow!

When I got home I was staaaaaarving.  I had a craving for watermelon while I was at the store so I threw together a little fruit salad and ate it with a Think Thin bar.

The fruit was delicious and the bar was…a meal bar.

I’ve come to that conclusion that  I don’t like meal bars in general. They always taste a little chalky.  The flavor of this was okay but I didn’t even finish it because I figured I’d rather eat some chips and hummus or something after I shower.

So that’s where I am right now.  Post-lunch, pre-shower and putting off packing and thank you notes for now.  But only until after I shower, I swear.  Then it’s pack, pack, pack and thank, thank, thank.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Do you know of any really good meal bars?

Do you like grocery shopping or is it a chore for you?