fashion rut (help!)

I don’t have much to say today and my meal choices have been largely uninspired – dinner was a bowl of Honey Nut Chex and a chocolate chip cookie and milk, delicious but nothing to write home about.  Because of this, I wasn’t planning to blog but I was reading a few blogs today and fashion kept coming up.  Jenny at Peanut Butter and Jenny is doing a Five Days of Fashion series this week – an idea that I love but my outfits are too boring to participate – and A Healthy Happier Bear posted her outfit today and it was adorable.

Since I work full-time, I don’t get very creative with my outfits these days.  Yes, there are the days I rush to yoga and have to camouflage leggings and sports bras underneath my office wear but those don’t always result in “fashion” by any means.  I love to shop but find myself looking for things that can double as work and weekend wear.  This means that on the weekends, I often don’t want to wear what I have because it reminds me of being at the office.  I end up in lots of dress pants and sweater or cami/cardigan combos.

Of course, shopping for my honeymoon has been easy.  Summer is so much easier to shop for!

3" chino short

Summer straw hat

Thank you J.Crew for these fun new arrivals.

My go-to stores are J.Crew, Banana Republic and Ann Taylor Loft.  I try to look at some of the local boutiques but I do have a budget to consider.  Forever 21 tends to be hit or miss for me, the skirts are often a bit too short for me and it always feels like I really need to commit a good chunk of time to looking through the store.  Basically, I need help finding new places to shop and outfit inspiration – help!

Where do you buy your clothes?

How do you balance your work and play wardrobes?

april showers

When the weather is gloomy, do you feel gloomy too?  I do.  Today is another dreary day and we are definitely experiencing April showers.  To brighten up my day, I had a smoothie and fresh watermelon for lunch.  Watermelon always makes me happy, it tastes like summer and who doesn’t love summer?


As you can see, smoothies make me quite happy too.  As a bonus, a co-worker dropped off a second smoothie just in time for my afternoon snack – score!

After I get out of work it’s straight to yoga then home.  I’m hoping to work on a few things for the wedding and read a bit of the book that I started last night, The Postmistress by Sarah Blake.  I’ve been wanting to read this book forever and I finally finished my second book of the year on Saturday.  I made a goal to read 15 books this year so hopefully this one goes quicker than the last one.

Only 20 more minutes to go at work, tick-tock, tick-tock.

Hopefully it won’t be raining when I leave.  Although these April showers are just leading to May flowers, right?

What books are you reading right now?

Do you have any recommendations for me to add to my list?


At lunchtime I opened up the freezer we share with the department next door to grab my lunch and to my dismay, found it empty!  After some investigation I found out that there is a health department inspection coming up so they threw away everything that wasn’t labelled and dated was thrown out.  Boo!  Oh well, the cafeteria had corn chowder today which is my favorite  and the manager came and apologized so all is well in our little hallway again.

I wanted to share this video with you guys.  This yogi’s name is Krista Cahill and she is amazing.  Her body is insanely flexible – her back bends like my waist does – and I’m blown away by her arm strength.

A preview of what she can do…


If you don’t feel like watching the whole thing, start watching at 3:00 and prepare to be amazed!  One day, I’ll have killer arms just like hers!

I’m so inspired!  I’ll be practicing extra down-dogs and chaturangas, for sure.

What is your favorite yoga pose?

Which is the most challenging for you?

leftover heaven

I kicked off the morning with a English muffin topped with leftover sweet potato scramble from last night – it is just the perfect morning meal, full of protein and fiber to keep me full all morning.  I was running a bit late so I took it to-go and enjoyed every bite of it as I drove to work.


Not the best shot but you get the idea.

Work has been nice today and I’m currently enjoying a wonderful lunch of Raspberry Goji yogurt and a leftover wrap from Twisted Rooster.  Let me tell you, this wrap isn’t messing around!  It’s naan (Indian flatbread), which is one of my favorite carbs – it’s so soft and doughy, filled with grilled veggies: red pepper, yellow squash, asparagus and a generous helping of goat cheese.  So delicious!  For a vegetable-challenged girl like me, it makes eating my veggies painless. 

I’m hiding yoga clothes under my work clothes again, shh!  Unfortunately I left my sports bra at home and then quickly realized that I had left my whole yoga bag in the kitchen, whoops!  I’ll have to make a quick stop home before yoga class but it will be worth it to sweat it out tonight.

yogurt and yoga clothes

This morning, like many mornings, I got dressed and put my pants on and then put my pants on…wait, what? Yes, it’s true. I wore two pairs of pants to work today.  I leave work at 5:30 and rush to make it to yoga at 5:45 so I often wear my yoga clothes under my work clothes.  This has led to some quite creative ensembles but so far, no one seems to have caught on.

See?  You can’t even tell there is a whole second outfit under my clothes!

Please, ignore the mess lurking behind me in the photo – I promise to tidy up tonight while Todd and his friends are drafting players for their Fantasy Baseball League, I swear!

I brought loads of leftover treats from our showers to work today and have been trying hard to ignore them but the wafting smell of cookies finally wore my down and I tried a White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal cookie, so delicious!

Thankfully I was able to stop at just one cookie and had room for my lunch – leftover Jet’s Pizza and a Honey Chobani.

This was my first Chobani experience and I loved the thick, creamy texture of the yogurt and the honey was just right to balance out the tang.  I’m not sure it will be replacing my regular yogurt selection but I definitely plan on enjoying it again.

Until later…