zingerman’s got that something

On Sautrday, after we had wandered though the whole farmer’s market we walked over to an Ann Arbor institution, Zingerman’s Deli.  I’ve enjoyed some of Zingerman’s products before – specifically several loaves of their delicious Parmesan Pepper bread, compliments of my former boss.  I was excited for our Zingerman’s experience because I’ve only heard positive things.

There was a line for sandwiches when we got there so we got in, preparing for a long wait.  Less than 10 minutes later we were at the front of the line where a tray of samples awaited us.  While we waited out our final moments in line, we were offered bites of brownies, roasted peanuts, cheese and even mini sandwiches.  I was impressed by the spread and it made our already short wait a breeze.

When we got inside the deli, it was packed but that gave us plenty of time to decide on what we were having and also to take in the vast array of products offered there.  On top of being a deli, Zingerman’s also offers dry goods, has a creamery, a bakery, and owns a coffee shop next door that is aptly named Zingerman’s Next Door.  They even have a mail order business so people across the country can have access to their products.

I could have spent $500 on products there but, since we still had furniture to buy, just ordered a sandwich and lemonade.  I am not a huge sandwich fan.  If I eat a sandwich it is almost always grilled and evenly more likely to be some form of grilled cheese.  I don’t like lunch meat and pretty much only eat it when it’s offered to me and I don’t want to be rude.  I do, however, love barbecue and chicken so I was torn between Jay’s BBQ Chicken and Benno’s Birdie.  Taking the advice of an extremely friendly and helpful Deli worker, I chose Benno’s Birdie.

I chose well.  The (half!) sandwich was stuffed full of Amish chicken breast, Ligurian pesto, oven-dried tomatoes and fresh handmade mozzarella and served between grilled rustic Italian bread.

There was a part of the sandwich where the pesto met the butter they used to grill the sandwich and it was the most delicious salty, butter taste.  Mmm.  That was a great sandwich.  To top it off, the lemonade was delicious too, a perfect balance of sour and sweet without favoring either taste.

I can see why Zingerman’s is so popular.  They have a ton of options, use local ingredients and offer high quality deliciousness.  They just seem to have found that something special that a place needs to be a huge success.  It helps they don’t seem to take themselves too seriously.

You’ve gotta love a good sense of humor.

Are there any food institutions near you?

What’s your favorite sandwich?

blog love

After work the snow had cleared and I was happy to walk out into a beautiful spring day.

I headed over to Biggby Coffee where I had a great meeting with our wedding photographer, Theresa Kemink, talented owner of TAK Photography.  She does such great work and I’m so excited that she’s shooting our big day.  Her photos are amazing but she doesn’t seem to take her self too seriously.  You should really check out her blog, it’s good stuff.

After the meeting I headed to the Funky Buddha for a very sweaty and intense power yoga class.  I definitely sweated out some toxins today although my tummy wasn’t feeling to great because I had a snack beforehand.  Note to self: no matter how much I love chocolate chip cookies and lemonade, they must wait until after hot yoga.

Delicious but dangerous.

Anyways, other than that I was going to write a post about…something but I don’t feel like I have much to say right now.  Thankfully, other bloggers seem to be much more inspired that I am so I’ll refer you to them.

1) Kelly at Laughter, Food and Strength, one of my favorites, posted a recipe for Mini Italian Frittatas today.  I want to make these right now and would if I had the energy, and the eggs.  But honestly, I often think bloggers make things that look delicious but I know that I’ll never make them but these frittatas are going directly to my “to-make” list.  Yum!

2) Jess at In My Healthy Opinion seems to be on the same page as me a lot, it’s kind of strange, actually.  She’s got some great simple goals posted and they’re exactly the things I always mean to work on.  Soon though, soon.  Even better, she’s posted a link to a hilarious site featuring the 65 Sketchiest Easter Bunny photos.  My favorites are numbers 28, 45 and 53.  Hilarious.  Thanks for sharing, Jess!

3) I discovered Girl Meets Life over the weekend and I’m loving it. Her tagline is “celebrating the simple things”, a concept I can definitely get behind.  I get really excited about the little things so I can totally relate.

4) Allie at Live, Laugh, Eat wrote an entire post about pineapple.  Pineapple is hands down my favorite fruit (sorry grapefruit) and I think it makes everything taste better and makes me smile.  Sometimes I overdo it and it gives me canker sores too but I always go back to it.  I respect any blogger who posts all about pineapple, plus she seems great and is darn cute.

In short, thank you other bloggers for being great so I don’t have to be!

What are some of your favorite blogs?

What’s your favorite topic to see covered on other peoples’ blogs?

shower photos are here

After work I went straight to Panera to grab a quick dinner before marriage mentoring.  I chose their new chili and a lemonade just because I felt like it.  Lemonade is one of my favorite things ever.  I love the association with summer and how crisp and refreshing it is.  And I like to eat it with chocolate chip cookies.  Weird, I know but it might be my favorite snack.

Our marriage mentoring session was really good tonight.

Since the wedding is only a month away – I still can’t believe it – I’m probably going to be writing a lot of wedding related posts in the next few weeks.

Tonight, I wanted to share some pictures that my wonderful, talented cousin, Rebecca, took at my bridal shower a few weeks ago.  I have the best memories of that day.  My aunts did an amazing job of throwing me a fun, thoughtful shower and I loved it so much.  I hope you enjoy the photos!









What a great group of women.  I’m lucky to have such a great family.

Who are the most important women in your life?

What’s you favorite memory with family?